20th April 2008, 05:04 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428
For some weird reason , I have found Fast tracks produced less profit for me according to my computerised stats using my own selections.
The SR is the same, its just the average price drops away.
I found most of my systems worked just as well on Wet tracks & produced greater profit.
I found horses that have never run on a wet track before , perform just as well as horses who have had successful wet track experience.
I feel Horses with wet track exposure & failed ,have to treated with suspiscion.
I agree with Privateer, a lot does come down to ones comfort level & past experiences.
I find the more highly tuned horses produce a number of form reversals on wet tracks & one will often hear a commentator say , "it appears the horse did not appreciate the going".
I guess one has to go over ones personal past stats, involving wet tracks & maybe make a discission from there.