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Old 23rd April 2008, 06:53 PM
Moderator 3 Moderator 3 is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 217

It is your prerogative not to reply to the following, about whether these horses were or were not selections, which I have copied below, so I have now locked the thread.

As a moderator I am not prepared for a forum dispute to escalate over what is simply a matter of fact - either horses were or were not selections.


Wunfluova posted:

Had you checked the actual fields for the system's final rules you might have made adjustments to your figures for the following :

26/3 Chelt 6/9 Pl $15-20 (doesn't qualify - greater than 21 days and greater than $51)

28/3 Rock 7/9 Pl $9-90 (doesn't qualify - 3 in race)

3/4 Grafton 7/13 W $9-20 Pl $2-60 (doesn't qualify - not on min. wt.)

4/4 M Valley 5/1 W $12-50 dead heat (doesn't qualify - not on min. wt. - Tab no. 1 should have been a big clue!)

7/4 Port Macq 5/10 Pl $10-20 (doesn't qualify - slow track)

AND you might have adjusted for missed selections along the lines of :

26th March - Bunbury 5/5, Chelt 2/6, Sand 3/8, Sand 6/16
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