Thread: Moderator 3
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Old 23rd April 2008, 08:04 PM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104
Default Moderator 3

You asked me to address some claims but then closed the thread so I couldn't do so. In fairness and considering the amount of work I put into the thread, please allow me to address the claims:

You wrote: "Had you checked the actual fields for the system's final rules you might have made adjustments to your figures for the following" :

"26/3 Chelt 6/9 Pl $15-20 (doesn't qualify - greater than 21 days and greater than $51)". The 21 day rule didn't exist then [only a recent rule change]. However, it WAS over the price, but $39 3 min to jump. Mistake granted. [minuss $15-20p from my place results]

"28/3 Rock 7/9 Pl $9-90 (doesn't qualify - 3 in race)" False: 3 in a race was an original rule, 2 in a race was not a new rule at that time and only recent this month.The rule had been backfitted to where it did not apply.

"3/4 Grafton 7/13 W $9-20 Pl $2-60 (doesn't qualify - not on min. wt.)" OK, .5kg over. Mistake granted [Minus $9.20w and $2.50p from my results]

"4/4 M Valley 5/1 W $12-50 dead heat (doesn't qualify - not on min. wt. - Tab no. 1 should have been a big clue!)". False: No.1 was on 64kg. All other horses where on 63kg. and it was not a dead heat [4,12,7].

"7/4 Port Macq 5/10 Pl $10-20 (doesn't qualify - slow track)" .False, I had included wet tracks by the 7/4.

"AND you might have adjusted for missed selections along the lines of" :

"26th March - Bunbury 5/5" [False:no winning claim ever made,the horse didn't place], "Chelt 2/6" [False: the horse was on min. and was 3rd up $4.50p], "Sand 3/8" [False: horse never placed and was on min], Sand 6/16 [False: Horse never placed and was on min.].

Anyone is capable of checking these results. Please do.

What the above shows is that anyone is capable of making mistakes,. In this instance, a heck of a lot more than me. I made 2 mistakes, The writer of the above made 7.

New [adjusted] totals after subtracting 2 mistakes;
Win profit $49
Place profit $39.90
E/W profit $88.90

Now where is that 'massive' loss the writer claimed?
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