Thread: Risk Management
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Old 20th October 2003, 06:57 PM
kenchar kenchar is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: SYDNEY
Posts: 723

Have to put my little bit in, and I certainly ain't any expert on staking,ups & downs etc. I personally flat stake, sometimes I win sometimes I lose BUT when I get a $10 winner it more than makes up for the $3 losers.
I see subscriber services that give you smaller bets on some selections than others.
My argument is why have a smaller bet on some, if they dont think they have a good chance of winning why pick them in the first place.
As far as ups and downs I dont think anyone can predict this.
You can run 10000 races through a program and come up with X put your hard earned on and you will come up with Y , every race is different.
I know I sound a bit cynical but to me these are facts.
If it was all so easy we wouldnt have 100+ ratings, system services. dial a bet etc etc etc etc.
I have had good results from this site, and some rotten ones too.I am well in front at the moment but who knows how long it will go (how long is a piece of string).
What I am trying to get across is you have all these professional sites around who have access to things that we probably dont and they sell their selections.
Why? just bet them themselves and rake in the profits, It cant be done racing is racing and every race is different.
Hope I have'nt spoiled the thread.

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