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Old 10th May 2008, 11:06 AM
Raw Instinct Raw Instinct is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 2,628

Originally Posted by Raw Instinct
Race 1: #8 Answer Me (#5 Picablu)
Race 2: #7 Lombardy (#15 General Albert) *****
Race 3: #8 Moglich (#11 Simplex)
Race 4: #7 Jagerbomb (#8 Vinnies Joy)
Race 5: #5 Sequestrate (#7 Sheezvalue)
Race 6: #11 Diamondsondinside (#6 Sir Sensible)
Race 7: #1 Apache Cat (#2 Swick)
Race 8: #5 Dalzar (#6 Formula One Racer)

mate if possible with the scratching can I please have Dalzar as my special if it's to late i can live with that I only just got home from work though so i couldn't do anything about it
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