Thread: Staking Plans
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Old 27th June 2008, 09:20 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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I've been trying to get this across for many years without success, but I feel impelled to try again.

OK so no matter what the staking plan, over many many thousands of bets you would end up with so many hundreds @ stake "a". so many hundreds of bets @ stake "b" etc etc etc do you agree? eg. say you were to stake 1,3,7,15,31 etc increasing after a loser (just for an excercise) so....... after many thousands of bets you would have several hundred @ $1, several hundred @ $3, several hundred @ $7 etc etc etc get the point?

Well the point is that they would have to show a profit at levels anyway so you may as well have divided the TOTAL amount staked by the number of bets and bet at level stakes, say $10 on each levels.

Make no mistake if it doesn't show a profit at levels it is DOOMED!
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