Thread: Staking Plans
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Old 29th June 2008, 08:15 AM
crash crash is offline
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Originally Posted by Shaun
Very true party,and here is another thought, take a look at that staking plan after say 15 losses in a row and see how far down you are compared to flat stakes.

Spot on Shaun.

Punters championing staking plans only see the up side, as in hitting winners with the higher bets, not losers. Party was dead right in his first and second post. Any maths site destroys progressive staking arguments. Progressives can win but only by chance outcome. However, they will always eventually lose and lose badly. Races are not connected, but many punters think they are [it's an emotional thing] so we invent the progression based on pseudo-maths.
There is no more reason that a 7th bet after 6 losers will be a winner anymore than another loser. If a loser is hit on the highest stake in a progression, bad luck if your next winner is at the lowest bet, the beginning of the progression!

Progressives are no more than a game of chance, not a road to turning level stakes loses into profits, if they could the 98% of losing punters would all be rich and that would be the end of punting!
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