29th June 2008, 04:36 PM
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 47
Hi folks...just googling staking plans and came across the thread
I wonder if PelicanPete, when he talks of a staking plan is really talking of a betting plan to build the bank?
That's certainly my current query.
I have a method I've followed closely since late last year and put money down since Feb this year. Over 100 bets later I'm showing a profit and POT which I'm happy with. Therefore I'm not interested in trying to increase the % but trying to work out the best way to go about building my bank.
darkydog can I ask...when you talk of the 6 Point Divisor Plan are you referring to something similar to the Retirement Staking Plan and are you able to expand on the plan and how to use your formula mentioned?
'I prefer target betting myself favoring the 6 Point Divisor plan.
The correct formula ( made after each 100 bets)
Expected win % x expected win odds x .08'