Thread: Staking Plans
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Old 2nd July 2008, 08:37 PM
reded reded is offline
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Originally Posted by partypooper
Reded, sorry it was all too much for ya mate, but I havn't done much in the way of rocket science lately.

The EXAMPLE was: that IF after a few winners, your $50 bank had grown to $150 so your next bet is $30 ...... so after a loser or 2 then a winner or two your bank stood at $146 so your next bet is still $30 (remember NEVER decreasing) so you then have 4 losers @ $30 on each so your bank is depleted to $26 (i.e. insifficient funds for the next/last scheduled bet of $30) so you then abandon the sequence and start again with another $50 bank. and $10 bets.

If you are wondering why I do this, I can tell you that it all depends how the winners/losers fall & what price and when you started, I've had several cases where the bank stood at say $876, with bets at $250 then hit 3 losers, (not enough for another bet of $250) so I started again with $50 and pocketed the remainder of the bank which was in this case $126, so even though the bank was broken, I didn't lose the lot.

The $50 by the way is just by means of example, betting 1/5 , if you are a high roller then maybe you would start with $500 and $100 bets??

Thanks for that partypooper
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