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Old 7th July 2008, 04:39 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,435

Shaun, being brought up to UK racing it is the aaaa for most punters there to place multiple bets the most famous being the "Yankee" which covers 4 horses in 6 doubles + 4x trebles + 1 x4x horse accumalator = 11 bets, you then have 5 horses (super Yankee 26 bets) 6 horses (Heinz 57 bets) super Heinz = 7 horses 120 bets and the Goliath (240 bets) which is 8 horses covered in all combinations doubles, trebles, 4,somes, 5,somes,6 somes, 7 somes and one 8 horse accumalator. The idea is that you always stand the "CHANCE" of a massive return for a small outlay as your unit bets can be as low as 5c.

But as far as your example is concerned, what you have really done is placed $20 on the first selection and then $30 on the second one haven't you? wheras in the first example you only placed $20 on the second one as well??

After thought, some people also would place higher amounts on the doubles and trebles and lesser amounts on the rest e.g. say 5 horses,, might read 10x $2 doubles, 10x $1 trebles, 5x 50c 5 somes and a 50c accumalator, which in this example would cost $33, the reasoning is that there is a reasonalble chance of striking a double but not much of hitting a 5 horse accumalator. but keep it covered just in case.
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