Why can't we compare the same things and argue along the same lines instead of chopping and changing to suit.
1. It was said that the pressure of the race did Lonhro in.
Incorrect. The Cox Plate was the slowest for some years with a dismal last 600m.
2. I didn't say Northerly wasn't a champ, but surely if you're going to make excuses for his defeats, why can't the same be done for Lonhro?
3. My point was that Northerly did not handle the Sydney way of going just as Lonhro did not handle the Valley.
Yes, Northerly lost by a lip to Freemason, which is an indication of his heart, just as Lonhro was beaten only a length in a race on a track which did not suit him.
And what is "normal" stretching out ? Normal for Lonhro is to get it all his own way without pressure and then do what he does best, a short sprint and in that department he really is a good horse.How good we will never know due to poor comp.
Normal stretching out is having a fluid action and normal stride, if you think Lonhro's stride was fluid and normal in the straight, then you weren't watching the same race I was.
Now we have people declaring Fields Of Omagh a champion after one Group1 win :roll:
Let's be consistant in the argument at least.
"The man who can correctly assess Class can have all the money he wants and he only needs a dollar to start". -
Pittsburg Phil
[ This Message was edited by: Chrome Prince on 2003-10-27 12:51 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Chrome Prince on 2003-10-27 12:52 ]