Thread: staking idea
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Old 28th October 2003, 06:11 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

The Human Element
This can be fasinating as it is frustrating,
especially where a punter is using progressive betting ,race to race , sweating on that elusive winner.

You are about to place a bet on your trusty mule via the telephone with 30 seconds to go & just as you pick up the phone , it`s one of our dopey mates on the other end ringing you at the same time ,who insists on talking when he should`nt be .

Needless to say, your mule gets up at $18.00 & that was the bet that was going to put you in profit , it hurts even more when its the only remaining winner for you for the rest of the day .
You now find yourself further behind than what you had invisiged,
that`s because you did`nt invisage a "what if plan", so as to minimise the damage, if & when the wheels fall off.

There are many human element stories that creep into the punt when you least expect it .
You will find it inveriable happens when you realy dont need it to happen ,when larger amounts are being placed.

There is a big reason for level stake betting if you are a constant victim of the human element e.g. your wife wishes to pick a fight with you while on the punt (I hate that)can`t she fight you afterwards.
Betting the wrong number because you were rushing , left the bet off because it was showing 32/1 & it gets up with a hoof in the air, bet straight out on your horse that comes 2nd & pays $6.00 for the place,
just missed getting your bet on & wins at 14/1.

No need to go on , I think I just made myself ill just reliving the past.

I think I need a hot toddy & a lye down now.

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