28th October 2003, 04:53 PM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 1,764
Dear visitor, there is a real danger of this forum being shut down due to the risk of legal action arising from persistent attacks on clearly identified businesses and individuals.
We are not taking sides, but because the publisher as well as the writer can be held liable in some cases, we must remove any posts discovered that can be construed as defamatory.
To ensure the future of this forum for all users we are adopting a policy of zero tolerance whether the comments may be true or not.
Postings will be removed or edited, people will be barred.
Deleting comments and barring posters is not something we like having to do. It is a choice between having a forum and not having it.
Please do not complain or argue the point. There are many other places to
criticise businesses or individuals that you feel deserve it.
We thank you for your future co-operation in this matter.
OZmium Pty. Ltd.