31st August 2008, 03:31 PM
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 46
Originally Posted by partypooper
Shaun/Ricardo, ok it's XP version 2002, Celeron (r) CPU 2.4GHz, 224 MB of RAM. I have AAPT Broadband ADSL with 500 per month which then reduces to Dial up should I go over that. By the way the comp is almost eclusively used for Horse racing purposes data , commentries etc
Ok, your CPU is fine but you could do with some extra Memory. You can get RAM very cheap at the moment so if you know someone who are into PC's, get them
to source the best deal around (should be able to get 1 Gig Ram for under $100) and get them to wack it in for you. It takes about 5 mins to install when you know what you are doing.
The extra Ram will give your system a nice boost and make things move along a bit quicker. Very helpfull for crunching heaps of race data
Do you go over your download limit very often? If so, then maybe a plan upgrade incorporating a larger download limit may suit you better?