6th September 2008, 03:55 PM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1,492
Point taken,
however, I will always exercise my god-given/democratic right to express my opinion.
eg. BR7, this was a very controversial race and I feel it is something which may in the near future elicit discussion/controversy, being the very principles of this forum.
Contributors of differing views can express themselves in a civil manner and whilst not always agreeing can appreciate the views of other contributors.
Yes, sometimes I do play "devil's advocate" to elicit the very responses as you have so graciously provided.
As you can see from other threads, I am not always "negative"...rather, I am attempting to get people talking/expressing their views in a conciliatory manner.
Good to speak to you.
NB. on another note I am currently enjoying a brew from Millers, U.S.A. named "Chill" "Chelada style" which is similar to Corona....my advice ...give it a go...!