29th October 2003, 09:02 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Yarra Valley
Posts: 241
From my admittedly miniscule understanding of the libel laws, truth is not necessarily a defence if the intent is malicious.
Personally, I have no argument that management need to protect themselves from action. I do find the fact that they can be sued for the comments made by other individuals does seem to be a little odd, but then again....
I do hope however that they don't err too far on the side of caution.
I think it might also be worthwhile for everyone to gain an understanding of what is and is not libel. I did a quick search of the web, and came across a few links, one of which is
This document is clearly (to me at least) a little onesided, but interesting reading all the same. If there's any sharks^h^h^h^h^h ooopss.. lawyers lurking perhaps they could provide some other links? (and if said lawyers take offence at my joviality please accept my most humblest and deepest apologies :smile: