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Old 15th September 2008, 07:13 PM
Kingston Town Kingston Town is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by xanadu
G'day Stix,
while I respect your opinion...I ask the question...were the officials advised of the change in tactics of the eventual winner:
SR6 5 WON $9.8w$3.0plNSW
although I was on this runne(saver bet) and made a tidy POT I am still concerned that the betting public were not suitably informed. So, as you can see..I am not talking "through my kick" which is the usual "put-down" to counter such claims.


Hurrah is usually ridden handy/on pace & did lead in a race at canterbury back in feb. If you look at the replay you will see that Bowman was caught 3 wide facing the breeze & did try to ease in behind the leaders but was still going to be 3 wide so he then elected to go to the lead. It was then genius or idiot fortunately for Bowman he came up a genius. The particulaly daring thing he did was rather than give his horse a breather coming to the HT & bring his horse back to the field, he made them all work & chase him to make up the ground. In the end this proved to be to big a task for Red Lord with a hefty 58kg & Bowman made him carry every gram of it.

Circumstances were the cause of the change in tactics & I'm sure Chris Waller was glad he had a jock who wasn't frightened to make an executive decision.

Hugh Bowman is one of the top 2 or 3 riders in the whole country, he's an excellent judge of pace, never panics & often times his run to perfection. More importantly than anything else he's a very balanced rider & horses travel for him.

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