Two years ago, I gave away Bigpond, as they weren't flexible on price.
It's a bit rich when you're on double the rate of new customers and they won't negotiate.
So I went to Australia Online $79.95 for 20Gb @ 1500 speed.
But I'm jumping ship, I just found out I can get triple the download speed, triple the limit for $20 less per month at aaNet.
ADSL2-Plan-1 $ 19.90/mo $ 29.90/mo 2 Gbytes + offpeak
ADSL2-Plan-2 $ 29.90/mo $ 39.90/mo 20 Gbytes + offpeak
ADSL2-Plan-3 $ 39.90/mo $ 49.90/mo 40 Gbytes + offpeak
ADSL2-Plan-4 $ 49.90/mo $ 59.90/mo 60 Gbytes + offpeak
ADSL2-Plan-5 $ 79.90/mo $ 89.90/mo 100 Gbytes + offpeak
Oh and Bigpond never took my horseracing access away two years on