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Old 29th September 2008, 01:47 PM
The Elk The Elk is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 28

This wouldn't all fit on the one post so did 2

These are for the past 12 weeks and profits for $1: (my 12 weeks have been good)

Wins...130 (S/R 28.3%)
Place..326 (S/R 71%)
Gross Profit Win......$82 (17.8%) before 5% commission
Losing win bets.......459-130=329

Gross Profit Place....$110 (24%) before 5% commission
Losing Place bets.......459-326=133

Extrapolate these figures out to 60 weeks (BetFair period)
Wins...650 (S/R 28.3%)
Place..1,630 (S/R 71%)
Gross Profit Win......$410 (17.8%) before 5% commission
Losing win bets.......1,645
Gross Profit Place....$550 (24%) before 5% commission
Losing Place bets.......665

I then calculated the Premium charge in 2 separate types Win & Place bets to see how each affected me:

BFPC - Win only
20% of $410 = $82 (this is the figure I need to be greater than so that I do not qualify for BFPC calculations)
Actual commission on win collects (410+1645)*0.05 = $102.75
Implied commission on losing win bets 1645*0.05 = $82.25
BFPC calculation (102.75+82.25)/2 = $92

My BFPC ($92) is greater than 20% of gross profits ($82), hence no BFPC no matter what my bet size is

BFPC - Place only
20% of $550 = $110
Actual commission on place collects (550+665)*0.05 = $60.75
Implied commission on losing place bets 665*0.05 = $33.25
BFPC calculation (60.75+33.25)/2 = $47

My BFPC assessed figure for $1 on place only is 110-47 = $63

Using $20 bets
63 * 20 = $1,260

$35 place bets
63 * 35 = $2,205 (takes care of the 60 week allowance allocated for EACH 60 week period)

By betting win & place the bet could be increased over $40 before I would expect to donate to BFPC using the above figures
What would $40 Place only mean:
$550 * 40 = $27,500 less $2,430 (commission on place collects) = $25,070

If this became a problem for me, I have several choices:
a) move from Betfair
b) keep my bet sizes below $40 (happily doing that now)
c) Win only or each way betting
d) plan more holidays ( loving wife has put a big tick next to this one)
e) pay the BFPC

All that is needed is a bit of thought - apply some common dog-@#$% - do some simple calculations.
Basically the figures show thatwith a normal 10% POT then there is no worries about BFPC,
where the S/R is high and POT is over 20%, it then boils down to the bet size

How many do over 2,000 bets/year and average over 20% POT - according to BetFair, only 0.5% of their customers
I have no reason to disbelieve this figure.
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