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Old 19th October 2008, 10:02 AM
Shnita Shnita is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 21

So McDonald flogged his prize gelding to the point of a rare condition. His (and it must be said, the owners) arrogance in flogging that horse with the intention of running all 3 big races in the spring shows that they were interested in one thing, the money.

He's not even 4. If I were the owner of such a fine animal i would certainly take its first campaign pretty lightly and aim at one big race (Cox Plate good enough for you Ross?) rather than this scatter gun approach of anything with a prize money stake > $1m.

Throw into the mix that he is a gelding and therefore prolonging his racing career is the best strategy as there isnt any money once the racing stops.

I also dont think he has beaten that much in some of his previous races and would love to see a match race between WH and any one of Might and Power/Sunline/Saintly/Northerly/Diva/Octagonal etc etc. I dont think he'd get within 5 lengths of any of them.

Furthermore, draw a comparison to the way Fred Kersley has managed Marasco. When Kersley knew he couldnt stay, he didnt continue to flog him.

(I must say though, Brad Rawiller's ride was phenomenal!)
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