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Old 22nd October 2008, 07:54 AM
michaelg michaelg is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,788

I think parlays would also be promising. The NSW TAB had been considering inter-meeting parlays and all-ups a few years ago but I'm not sure whether its currently available. Maybe someone can confirm this? I'll have a look at their website later today, maybe even try to have an inter-meeting bet and see what happens.

30 Points - yesterday there were 7 selections for 5 placegetters for a loss of $0.42, and 5 winners for a profit of $1.90.

There have now been 14 placegetters from 17 selections for a POT of 4.11%, and 11 winners for a POT of 15.88%.

Interestingly, Win betting after such a small sample has been outperforming Place in both methods - maybe its just going through a lucky period.

Top Early Speed - yesterday there were 3 selection, all three placed for a profit of $1.84. Only one selection won for a loss of $0.50.

There have now been 9 placegetters from 9 selections for a POT of 38.66%, and 5 winners for a POT of 22.22%.

Today's selections:

30 Points
Ballarat R5 no.3
Bendigo R9 no.1
Bulli R9 no.3
Ipswich R2 no.3
The Gardens R9 no.6

Top Early Speed
Angle Park R3 no.3
Bulli R9 no.3
Cannington R6 no.3
The Gardens R1 no.3
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