wow a real struggle today .
thank god for the Cox plate. Nice when you get it right
i've been going ok in the Big ones so far this spring...Missed in CC but then again i think everyone did.
Walking or Dancing was hurtfull,,huge run as he was never on the track..Mr Baritone did well, and Mr Hornblower is starting to cost me a stack..(perfect ride by colless on the ghetto)
Ready to lift won well ,,
Not a great day but not to bad at all,, 2 out of 15 you'd think i'd had to walk home...The Cox has been real good to me the last couple of years...and should have been 3 !! still havent forgiven Gauci
Craig Williams is really struggling,,he used to be rated up there with Colless , Bowman and Nash but hes lost alot of form as has the stable...hes lost all timing as he seems desperate to get a few winners.
Trying to get decent odds for Dark target but it doesnt look promising..I'm might have a spec on Grasspatch Girl e/w...I backed this horse last time but the jock weighed in light,,i've noticed i havent recieved a refund....should i be getting my money back ?? never happened to me before..
hope you all had a good one