8th November 2008, 06:08 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428
I think those Banking chaps in the USA must of heeded the good advice &
took up the idea, that it really is not a bad idea to loose a few banks.
I think they must have had a different interpretation some how.
When do you think they felt that they may have a little problem on their hands.
Was it the first billion or the 100th billion?
I was reading that one of those bank chaps decided he didn't like working in a bank no more & took up his Golden Parachute payment of $98Mil & was ordered by the Senate committee to hand back 25mill of it.
Imagine what he would have said to his wife when he got back home...
"How was your day dear?"
"Oh, alright, I guess, I've had better days"
Yeah right!... and some.
So let that be a lesson for all us punters.
Know when to cut your losses & know where your at with them .
Unlike those silly boys in the States who pay themselve millions while ballsing up the entire American Empire, the largest economy in the world and allowed to walk around scott free!