Some interesting posts here regarding place betting which is what I went through sometime back when investigating place betting.
Since Jan have successfully punter the place. Lower strikerate than yourself Michal but higher div. So basically backing longer priced horses.
The question of where to bet the place is an important one as it determines your method of staking. Fixed price versus tote price.
In case you're not aware of the Aust link
Betfair is a good place to be checking past results and comparisons on raceday. And the advice is to spend time researching where you best price is and how to find it. Even if you can't backtrack your selection method at least have a look at those similarly priced horses in the market to see where the better price is generally obtained.
I agree the price seems to be at it's optimum around 1-2 mins prior to the jump, but the lack of a decent pool, esp for longer priced horses, on non Saturday turned me off.
I wanted to setup unattended betting via a bot but as mentioned issues with timing, jumptime etc ended up losing me. At least on weekday meets when I can't be watching betfair.
There are bookmakers who you can bet with but generally you have to find somone in the state/s you want to bet. Advantage of a bookmaker is that you're a better chance of getting a fixed odds bet on if you intend to base your staking around a certain price - which I initially wanted but found to many complications.
Best of three totes does seem the best via Sportsbet, Betchoice, Betstar etc.
I've freely plugged the it gives you some free plans to look at - but you can also cheaply purchase their betting tool which lets you run your bets through the tool to analyse which method provides the best chance of success.
Best of luck