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Old 16th November 2008, 05:51 AM
Michal Michal is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,007

Hi S&S,

Interesting that you said 'If you have faith in your system' , the fact that you didnt back the selection probably means that you need to re-evaluate your thinking.

I dont mean this in a negative light , its very easy to start (also its the way our minnds work) remembering all the bad and forgetting all the good, this causes inconsistancy and losses and errors. You obviously have a system that producess as you have a decent hit out on these selections, remember that next time and I hope that you recover well.

Just to make sure I dont sound like a know it all , I left out Zipping today from my bets, and substituted someone elses selection for one of my own based on it looking the better goods ... BOTH my selections WON

Just about the smartest thing of the day I done, which was a loss upto then because of the above, was that I reluctantly backed 'Three Chances' in Towomba which was also my selection along with one other horse ..... even though it was only a half a bet I cleared the loss for the day.

My lesson as was yours is exactly the same ! We are our own worst enemy when the money goes on. Testing is gereat but unless one can replicate the cool and collecting attitude we apply to testing past data, when there is no pressure , there will be no wins, even if you have a system that works.


Hoping that you all dont

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