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Old 25th November 2008, 11:23 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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TWO BETS, Bhagwan and I are good mates and communicate regularly "off forum" I respect all of his input and understand where he is coming from with the staking plans. I do in fact run some aggressive staking plans (for fun) alongside my staid LEVEL STAKES bets.

To be serious as you say, one has to effect a POT i.e. PROFIT ON TURNOVER, now it doesn't really matter whether you are using a staking plan or not as long as you are consistantly showing a POT.

But here is where Bhagwan and I diverse, as Ian Barnes said there is "no difference between level stakes and a staking plan" in other words re-iterating what I have said that it's showing the POT that matters.

I'll try once again to explain that in laymans terms (not that I'm a big shot by the way just my humble opinion of course)............ OK so you use a staking plan over a given set of selections, lets say it's progressive stakes for example. Just for arguments sake, say 11111, 22222, 33333, 44444, 55555, stop and go back to 1 after a profit is shown (remember this is just illustration purposes) it could be any staking plan.

So, over 10,000 bets you will have so many bets @ 1, so many bets at 2, so many bets at 3, so many bets at 4, and so many bets at 5, you will have a given S/R and either POT or LOT which will not change wether you have 1 unit bets or 5 unit bets (this is where Bhagwan and I see things from another angle)

In fact if you now add up the total amount of stakes you have wagered divide it by the number of bets to give you an average stake, apply this to the total odds returned you will see that as Ian Barnes said there is no difference in the S/R or POT (LOT)

So to answer your question TWO BETS,.... YES I am very serious.
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