1st May 2002, 09:19 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Canberra
Posts: 730
Puntz, The internet pages do show the time that the odds were generated (eg. Tabcorp shows Update Time: 12:25:45, etc) - pity the Sky/Teletext doesnt do the same). Unfortunatly with any TAB you are always going to have the problem with the odds changing after you have placed your bet - this is especially so with Tabcorp as you have 4 different TAB's consolidating into the pool and they only update their odds every minute at race time. Generally speaking the odds for Qld & NSW change less and the larger the pool size the smaller the variations (as it takes a much larger bet to influence the odds). Personally I have found that you win some and lose some - eg yesterday I had 4 winning bets, 1 of them shortened dramatically in the final payout (from $15 to $9), 1 shortened a small amount and 2 payed more than I expected ($9 to $13 and $12 to $17). When placing my bets I will only bet if the odds are about 10% better than what I think is break-even point (eg. if I think the horse should be a $10 payout I will only bet if the odds are $11 or higher - this allows for the change in the odds after jump time)