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Old 4th December 2008, 06:24 AM
jim curran jim curran is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,407
Thumbs up tips for thursday

r1 1 morecambe bay 2 disco dancer 4 mega flight 5 voyeurs choice
r2 2 morning green 1 international man 3 so she said 5 swarm
r3 4 michelin star 7 komachi 1 rendzina 5 heartening
r4 3 iceskates 4 ausworld 5 penrickson 6 cross section
r5 14 miss purdy 6 princess quality 1 top cuban 2 restore the crown
r6 5 friday nights 7 cos in court 1 regal celeb 9 eedeeal
r7 6 an chlais 12 angels breath 3 malambo 13 amazing general

sapphire coast
r1 4 riebeek 3 naturally you 2 mr monkittee 5 kept on ice
r2 6 devil eyes 8 storm over 7 overyou 5 kong fuzi
r3 4 mercurial miss 6 jesta sweetie 3 dishylulu 1 brodicon
r4 3 sherwoods choice 13 razzo 6 terrra winda 11 marseillebay
r5 3 sebony 5 overnout 7 guarded prince 6 cellular
r6 8 be mine tonight 1 moorings capital 3 run for office 7 agyieus
r7 6 red pier 4 steel titan 1 forest morning 5 king of hearts
r8 4 paper trail 14 go zam 5 sea urchin 2 second time

r1 1 commonage close 2 denman 3 dominguin 5 sleight of hand
r2 16 squalls 7 navamann 3 cascabel 2 bizzaca
r3 8 running royal 6 point break 4 keep a head 5 mojambo
r4 5 ballistic ruler 3 slip of the tongue 4 astraldanza 6 the penski file
r5 4 stratella 2 falvette 6susie jane 7 petite gold
r6 3 the torp 6 red hustler 11 huntingdacash 2 innersphere
r7 15 chamelon 11 feel like dancing 9 lord stamford 16 scoreboard
r8 2 go phenomenal 10 night magic 3 luvizpet 6 moving on

r1 1 eight ball 3 guilty conscience 5 birdella 12 sixty minutes
r2 5 craiglea apollo 1 craiglea hummer 2 ima cool dude 4 wooden eye joe
r3 1 tower bridge 11 geomar 4 tayanso 5 blue bayon
r4 12 kislarni 1 kyles star 14 royal shamrock 8 iriana lad
r5 2 danzamonkey 1 vulcan 4 king cash 5 danwana
r6 10 punty flo 7 soundslikejazz 3 stipulation 5 shincess
r7 9 provenzano 3 go the red 2 peleninum 5 mehere
r8 1 dextrus 5 hedarny 12 kaianna 3 canny climb

r1 10 man of bronze 16 i don't know 13 petit maison 15 zedrageous
r2 3 cee dex 12 hussonina 2 book club 11 collecting
r3 12 magical run 8 cooks action 5 parbo 4 kwab
r4 2 frog legs 12 good answer 6 kayedar 3 gamarator
r5 1 mc dane 6 jomatesi 3 justavision 5 jacita
r6 8 agribiz 2 spirited recket 1 volcanic causeway 6 papal prospect
r7 7 impressing matters 2 never the twain 8 special effect 5 my leo
r8 12 vernas boy 7 whathappondare 10 escapevelocity 14 comes around

good luck and good punting jim
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