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Old 10th December 2008, 09:30 PM
Fryingpan Fryingpan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 154

Do you love to punt or do you love to make a profit?

Sometimes if you are recreationally inclined (in whatever way that may mean) you might just like the punt. And so the excitement is the main game. So be it, and punt away.

If you want to make a profit, a profit is a profit. And if you are ahead you have a profit. Can you guarrantee that you will keep the profit by continuing? (and that means making a profit is a daily ritual a daily target a daily habit) Once ahead, it might mean going over your selections again, and re-assessing whether you have more or better bullets to fire off at the later races......

Making that all important decision to continue. Or whether that walk with the dog or the job in the shed looks like a good treat.

If you aren't making that decision and you just carry on, then you are sort of a robotic punter in for the punt. And then the topic really doesn't matter.

Because everyone looks at their pile/kitty after a good win and counts their winnings. It's enjoyable being ahead early or later. So I think this is more about whether you have the ability to make a decision and not entirely about having a strategy.

To make any decision needs an emotional component. And that's a skill in itself when the prices are hypnotically chanted on the radio over and over, the next race is running and the race callers are going "OHHHH photo.."
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