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Old 11th December 2008, 02:33 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Another simple way of framing ones own market that can work well....

Get hold of any pre post market

Target the 6+ horses as mentioned in previous post.

Target the pre post price & multiply buy .90

e.g. Pre post $6.00 x .90 = 5.40 is now ones accessed price.

We now bet those horses which match our accessed price or more & delete those that don't.

Bet to price to a take out figure, say 5% of bank of $200.
e.g. $10 / $5.40 = O/L $1.85
If one hits say $10.00 div x 1.85 = Ret $18.51

Do the same for ones other selected contenders.

This can work well if there are not too many scratchings.

It is a quick simple way that can snag the odd juicy payer.

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