Thread: Favs. dissected
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Old 16th December 2008, 09:40 AM
Stix Stix is offline
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Originally Posted by crash

I generally don't bet on heavy tracks, but I often do on a slow track on a Sat. when all major meetings are wet.

Due to lots of scratchings on heavy tracks [poor prices] and often much smaller fields, it's obviously easier for a system tailored around back-fitted winners and back-fitted SP prices, to have performed OK on paper. It's also easier to find a winner or place-getter in a 4 or 5 horse race too and there is plenty of those small fields around [Syd. comes to mind regardless of the conditions]!

Lets see a heavy track system work in real time when SP prices can often fluctuate to any old price after the jump:-)

Also have the same outcome for my own selection method, which is not System based (as I've stated before)

As for fav's depends on what source you use to select them, I don't use SP as defined after the jump/pre-post/local paper form guide etc, but my own market pricing model.

Also bets are only placed on fields with runners of beetween 8 and 15 (after scratchings) - but you weren't to know as I have only just stated this. In fact in fields of 7 or less, it is a loss making activity.

Good Luck to all in the pursuit of a dollar (or two) !
.......Giddy Up..... !!
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