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Old 23rd December 2008, 05:37 AM
Michal Michal is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,007

I just wanted to add, that the only difference with programed ratings is that they are always 100% consistant, not subject to errors, and realisticaly involve the same process as someone with a manuall method, only that method has already been done in a step by step maner and now is blisteringly acurate and fast. I have done a few projects myself and know that all things can be programed the only issue is that the user must be able to define the elements that he wants to automate. Spending 30 minutes on a race when a push of a button will do only wastes your time. I mean this from a discusion point of view, my intention isnt to have a go at how you create your ratings at all, I respect anyone who has the will to do the work required to do this be they manuall or automated.

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