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Old 30th January 2009, 09:55 AM
Nibbler Nibbler is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 2

Hi Michal,
I dont think WA has any way of posting the bets automatically except through their website you would have to craft the http requests yourself or send the data to the clipboard for a quick paste into their bet area

UniTab have NetBet pro which can accept bets in a file system folder that is pretty efficient from what I understand.

They also have a query mechanism using netbet pro to get race information which saves the pain of scraping a website

Does anyone happen to have a list of format of the commands the data query netbet pro supports?


Originally Posted by Michal

I tried to look for your email adress in this post but its been deleted probably. I have a method of collecting the information from WA however I have not been able to find the dirrect posting of bets could you help me out?
mmichal & . I have

Thank you
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