24th February 2009, 06:58 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 4,426
Originally Posted by TWOBETS
So this leads me to my next point. The market prices are very accurate. Don't be put off by the negative comments of betting on favorites. They are coming from people who haven't found a way to make it work.
Pure gold in that statement.
In fact a lot of pros bet in and around very short horses.
Of course there are varied approaches and some tangle with volume bets on exotics and longshots, but you'll find the bulk of them operate around the 4/1and under and have "special" bets on the really short commodities.
At least two well known pros, operate on the shortest horses on the card with one or two extra filters and make a killing.
Let's not forget our friend Partypooper who backs shorties for a place, but gets the best price he can on them and adds a couple of his own filters.
All you need is a very small edge.