Thread: Betting systems
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Old 27th February 2009, 09:34 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Mike367, yes I know what you mean about limited resources and knowledge. but all you need to bet at BEST TOTE + SP or bet at Top Fluctuation is open an account with Sportsbet, (dead easy) you will get a free bet straight away, and you can place your bets by phone, and even that; is a 1800 number (I think) you will be immediately be 5-10% better than betting on the tote, and that could well be THE 5-10%, good luck!

PS I'm sure that Favs winning % overall is about 32-33%, Trotters is about 38-40% (so I'm told) but the odds are always in line i.e. the shorter the price the higher the S/R, but reflected in the lower odds (of course)

PPS my advice if always backing favs would be to bet at Top Fluc. if the pre-post price is say $4 or less other wise bet at best tote. Of course sometimes you will be on the wrong side but overall a definite advantage. Bhagwans idea of fixing your price or no bet; also makes perfect sense but so far I haven't figured out how to do that. (limited computer skills)
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