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Old 9th March 2009, 12:36 PM
Mark Mark is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Qld
Posts: 1,410


Are you backing every runner?, if you can consistently get less than 100%, you will win, win, win.

If not, I'd be very careful how many you leave out, because as sure as Murphy, one day the ones you leave out will get up and bite you.

Given that you're a backer, I wouldn't worry about late scratchings and the possible effect they have on your result, as Betfair, (and this is my only critcism of them) is heavily biased against layers when it comes to reductions.

You will see that all races have 100% or less, (yes less!!!) for their reduction factors. I call it their hidden tax on layers, and you'd be shocked how much it's cost me over the years, watching all green books turn to all red. I have given up emailing and phoning them with ideas on how to improve this but all to no avail, they never seem to go any further than the person who picks up the phone, or opens the email. I once even had a long discussion with a supervisor who had no idea how the reductions worked or affected layers. Their policy of anything 40/1 & above given 0% reduction is simply ridiculous, so if you're a backer then 99 times out of 100 you'd be hoping for late scratchings.
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