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Old 23rd April 2009, 04:04 PM
schmucta80 schmucta80 is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: australia
Posts: 175

I am liking all this discussion on the dogs, I think it's great to have some interest in them.

If Hot Puzzle leads Moeee, there is not a dog in that field that can run her down over the 545m at Bendigo.

And Eskimo Maggie, don't get me started on her lol, Dancing Lights should give her a cold, the only question mark is the long lay off, but loves this track and can run breath taking time.

It's great to bounce opinions off each other, no use stting on the fence either i say, have acrack, if your wrong, well better luck next time, but atleast you had a go.
good luck and happy punting
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