30th April 2009, 01:06 PM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,418
Thorns, as I told you I have experimented with all kids of progressions staking, over a long, long period of time all you have actually done is increase your AVERAGE bet, and as the S/R and POT have not increased the outcome will be exactly the same as level stakes, sorry to be the "partypooper" but thems the facts.
Having said that, I know how boring level stakes betting can be, and in fact I run a couple of aggressive staking plans (for fun) along side my levels stakes betting.
In your case I don't think you could come to much harm, I reckon you could go for years and years and never get anywhere near the 115 & 192 bets, but I know I would chicken out at 41 or 69 maybe, say at $50 units .....oooooh!
I also think (but don't really know) that a bet of $9600 for the place would seriously affect the divi? so imagine your last bet pays $1.04, or worse you risk your dough for a $1 return, i.e. you can lose but you can't win arrrgh!