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Old 30th April 2009, 01:30 PM
thorns thorns is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 441

Originally Posted by partypooper
Thorns, as I told you I have experimented with all kids of progressions staking, over a long, long period of time all you have actually done is increase your AVERAGE bet, and as the S/R and POT have not increased the outcome will be exactly the same as level stakes, sorry to be the "partypooper" but thems the facts.

Having said that, I know how boring level stakes betting can be, and in fact I run a couple of aggressive staking plans (for fun) along side my levels stakes betting.

In your case I don't think you could come to much harm, I reckon you could go for years and years and never get anywhere near the 115 & 192 bets, but I know I would chicken out at 41 or 69 maybe, say at $50 units .....oooooh!

I also think (but don't really know) that a bet of $9600 for the place would seriously affect the divi? so imagine your last bet pays $1.04, or worse you risk your dough for a $1 return, i.e. you can lose but you can't win arrrgh!
Agree completely with what you have said. As I mentioned it good for a bit of fun, its purely for haveing an afternoon of betting race to race (gallops, greys, trots). Currently I have increased my bank by 2.4 times in the past 2 weeks.

As you mention, you are never going to be able to bet large unit sizes with it as you will end up shooting yourself in the foot. Im gonna keep playing with it and will let you all know when I bust (Will withdraw my initial bank soon).

Out of interest the furtherest I have made it up the ladder so far is to the second to last bet, which placed, and made it to a 4.5 unit loss overall, so just accepted that loss and started a new one. However if I had put it on the line I would have cleaned up as the next bet placed at $2.50 lol.
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