5th May 2009, 12:26 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 5,359
Had problems finding the 3rd dog a couple of times yesterday.
Was in too much of a hurry to get the TRIFECTA.
If I was a little more sane and only bet on what I was confident about, I could have realized a much better bottom line.
What needs to be done, is , study the Race, and then decide how to go about Betting on it.
Had a look at WARRAGUL Race 7
Found it to be as Open as.
So what I'm doing, is dumping 3 dogs that I dislike most.
2,1 and 8.
And then goes #6 what appears to be gonna start short odds.
That leaves 4 dogs.
3,4,5,7 for $1
And because these are quite unfashionable Numbers, there should be a good return if successful