Thread: How Many
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Old 19th May 2009, 05:39 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 204
Smile Or alternatively,

So what your saying is size doesn't matter!

My home help doesn't agree.

Another thing she said was it's how big it gets from when you just started.

My method to beat premature celebration is this: Once you think you've found a system that shows promise begin with a $1 wager. Follow the system until you have a ten unit profit then double the wager until the next ten unit profit is made and so on. If it is a worthwhile system you are soon into serious money. If it's a dud you haven't lost your house. This method has the advantage of keeping a record in real situations of what went down and it also keeps you honest to yourself of what you can and can't do.

Two cents! By the way CP thanks for your input on this forum.
"Not winning on a horse that came first is one thing.....Losing on a horse that didn't come first is something else entirely!!!"
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