Thread: 3 Horses a race
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Old 24th May 2009, 12:16 AM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
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G'day Benny,I'm convinced that the "Holy Grail" will come from someone like yourself, many searchers have "TOO MUCH INFORMATION"

But to try to help, I presume that $78 is at $1 stakes ? yes .....ok, so now we need to know the exact no of bets in that 14 months.

Example, lets say you have had 780 bets, then you have made 10% POT (profit on turnover) which by the way would be considered VERY good, in fact even if you have had 3-7,800 bets , so 1-2% POT, it is still acceptable if consistant over many many years. (ask any casino boss)

so anyway you could use just about any well known staking plan, and your profits will increase slightly (based entirely on POT) however, if your profits turn to loss, then it will also be compounded by any staking plan. as all you are actually doing with a staking plan is increasing stakes??

The moral, is of course just stick to level stakes.

Though, maybe a very conservative 1% of bank NEVER REDUCING is acceptable.

Now that can be implemented in two entirely different ways: i.e.

(1) LITERALLY 1% of whatever your bank stands at worked out at the begiining of every race day, say, your bank is $1000 so $10 staked on every selection for that day, re -calculate at the end of the day but do not bet less than $10 on each the next your bets can increase BUT not decrease.

(2) say your bank stands at $1000, so you bet $10 per race \ 3 selections for that race so $3.30c on each, re-calculate iether at the end of the day or at the end of each race.etc etc etc.

Good luck!
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