26th May 2009, 11:40 AM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,420
G'Day Brendon, well you seem to be doing ok with this one, and as Crash suggested its a case of being comfortable with your own selection method/judgement. I am a self confessed whimp, and hate to lose so my main betting is place betting (very selective) though I do run several win plans along side as well but more modestly.
Its a funny thing, one can say well, as you have shown profit for 4 years + why not just increase stakes? well, I have done but have reached a level that is at the limit of what I feel comfortable with. And also I'm not sure at what point your bets are affecting the dividend (talking about place pools here)
especially at Provincial/country tracks?
Anyway, keep it up!