Thread: 3 Horses a race
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Old 27th May 2009, 08:28 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
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G'Day again Brendon,

I presume you had a good day there? good on ya, though I just want to clarify that by saying "cards on the table" I didn't mean that you should post your tips, in fact that means little anyway as you would have to post every day for at least 2 years for it to mean anything.

What I was getting at is that your plan HAS to show a level stakes profit i.e. the result after backing each and every horse $1, if your returns after say 2 years are more than what you have invested you are on a winner if not , "join the club" but onesthings for sure no staking plan will alter a loss showing plan, well it will,..... i.e. greater losses!

Keep it up!
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