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Old 30th May 2009, 07:31 AM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104

There was a race meeting out the back of Bourke. The 3rd race had only 5 starters and a bagman had one of them at 100/1. An old bloke came up to the bookies and put $100 on the 100/1 shot. When the bookie never wound the odds in, the old bloke tried to put another $100 on the horse.

The bookie trying to be kind, said to the old bloke, "listen mate, save your money as that horse has no hope at all and I know it better than anyone because I own it"! Unperturbed the old bloke persisted and had another $100 on the horse. The bookie asked "why, why"?. The old bloke quipped back, "I own the other 4 horses".
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