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Old 2nd June 2009, 02:45 PM
lomaca lomaca is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 1,096

Originally Posted by crash
I like the old saying: 'When one tries to grasp too much [info.], it's easy to end up with nothing'.
Crash, just a simple, unrelated to racing, but very very apt example.

Test yourself everyone:

Are you a person, who will grab every item he needs for the day's work as you go out to the car in the morning and drop some of it trying to shut-open the door?

(works equally well coming back from the supermarket)
if the answer is yes, change!! because you will do it in every aspect of your life, without noticing it!

I agree with you on the 2Kg "leave alone principle", if the handicapper could allocate weights in a wider range it would be easier for us.

Good luck
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