3rd June 2009, 10:24 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 3,635
I think Snipers Bullet a real big chance in this , he'll get the cart across behind the leaders thanks to bank robber . If its a bog like it seems it will be then he can grind away with a bit of a break on Black pirahna that will be surging late. The fish needs luck but EF usually gives you the chance to run on.
Mr Baritone will be there as he should again get the favours in running.
Vocalic is interesting ,,he just loves the heavy bog and hes in real good form,,,his win last start was just a barrier trial on the cushion (which sort of plays like a heavy) hes worth putting in your exotics at 300/1 but it needs to be real heavy.
Hard to Catch can again run well here,,hes only a little horse and one of those kind of horses that actually likes going between horses rather than going around horses,,,hes suited to the big fields like this as he can just poke through gaps without needing to much urging..
Danliegh worries me as he doesnt seem to have that turn of foot when its real heavy..
Ortensia the same ..
Ab Glam will need luck ,,,,Empires Choice capable and now its real wet will at least be finishing off strongly..not sure class wise with Somethin Anything..
so far
Snipers / The Fish / Mr Baritone , Vocalic , Hard to Catch , Empries Choice
and i've backed Vocalic e/w at the 251/1 and 61/1 the place ,,,would have liked the 400's earlier ,,(i'll be hoping it continues to rain hard in brissie)