16th June 2009, 01:04 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428
I forgot to mention the other almost risk free betting method is called Trading.
Where one backs a horse to win at say 6/1 for say $10 then lays the same horse at say 5/1 for an amount of say $12.00 to make a profit whether the horse wins or loses.
Profit $2.00 if it wins or loses.
The maths for this is this.
Back 6/1 (7.00) x $10 = $60 prof if it wins = O/L $10
Lay 5/1 (6.00) divided into the possible $60 win profit = O/L $12
Result $2.00 profit whether it wins or loses.
That's 20% risk free profit.
The Lay price has to be less than the Back price to make this work..
The price is usually best capture betting in running in races 1600m+
or 8 furlongs = 1 mile if targeting the UK market.
This gives it the best chance of being matched up before the race is over.
Try targeting horses in the 5.50-6.50 range to start with so as to get a feel for it all.
Try to back first then make the Lay bet.
This is a lot less risky than the other way round.
There are programs that can do all this for you plus some have a stop loss function built into them for added safety if the price blows out & we miss the price..
A some of them offer a free trial before you buy.
These programs don't cost thousands of dollars like your friend is trying to touch you for.
I hope this is a start answering you inquiry.