Thread: staking
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Old 22nd November 2003, 01:07 PM
good 4th good 4th is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 155

Questions?????I dont understand how level bettors can make a profit, as how do you know how much you will make for the day and when do u stop if you're in front, what to do if you're behind for the day. At least with Target betting you know all of this, lets say you target $100.00 for the day you know where you are at all times and yes using progressive betting as I believe this is the only way to recoup losses and make your target along the way...
Lets say you had a strike rate of 10%, 10 out of 100, one win every 10 bets you could make your target without getting into too much strife...Level betting could not do this, get my drift?
Imagine if your strike rate was higher, 20%.Thats 20 out of 100, Your target would have been achieved earlier.. so you could pack up for the day.
You might have some long run outs which will have to be checked out against the bank
So as level betting again, how do you return a profit??????
Thanks for listening
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