Thread: 85% Lay Plan
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Old 28th June 2009, 10:31 PM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428
Default 85% Lay Plan

Here is a Lay plan that has a 85% success rate.

No need to spend big money on those commercial ones that take ages to work out for 1 bet a day.

Target the tipsters Top selection.

Max price 5.90

Must be a non Fav
(If the tipsters top selection is Fav, no bet for that race , move onto the next one for that venue.)

Stop for that venue as soon as a quailifier is found for that venue reagardless in it is successful or not.
Do the same for the other venues.

Bet to fixed liability at 4% of bank or 1% of bank level stakes.
This allows for approx 25 outs.

Pick only one qualifying selection per venue.

E.g. 6 venues = 6 selections. 1 selection per venue .
This is done to minimise ones exposure to risk.

One will find themeselves being more succesful doing it this way rather that betting like a machine gun on every race.

I share this because I know no one will use it & if they did use it & was successful, they would not tell anyone.
That's OK , its just human nature in action.

Doing just this simple plan should produce 2.5% a day if one stopped as soon as this is reached.
But human nature will insist on pushing the envelope until the wheels fall off.
But thats OK .

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